Skin Therapy

Skin Therapy

What is Cosmetic Electrotherapy?

It is a range of beauty treatments that uses low electric currents passed through the skin to produce several therapeutic effects.
There are five main types of treatment, that differ in the type of current they use including:
-Galvanic treatment
-Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) (also known as Faradic treatment)
-Micro-current electrical neuromuscular stimulation 
-High-frequency treatment
-Radio Frequency

Galvanic Current Treatment
Complementary with Custom Facial $75 w/o facial

The handheld device, about the size of an electric razor, pushes a low voltage DC current into the skin via treatment creams applied beforehand. Treatments are painless and usually take about 6-10 minutes. The theory behind the galvanic method is that the skin has "electrical channels that can be modified” and enhanced.
Galvanic current improves oxygenation and circulation in treated areas as well as increasing the efficacy of products used during the treatment bringing an elevated level of nourishment to the skin. Because galvanic current positively charges product, anti-aging ingredients in the treatment creams deeply penetrate your skin and work harder at attacking and neutralizing free radicals. The deep tissue is where good products work their best. Having a product sit on top of your skin doesn't even come close to being effective. This helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and tightens facial skin.
Neurotris Microcurrent Treatment 
$125/6-8 treatments needed (maintenance upon completion is recommended)

Not only will you be incredibly relaxed, you will see instant results with each treatment. Results are permanent with maintenance treatments.
Medical grade, second generation microcurrent technology, this process uses specific bioelectric signals to diminish fine lines, creases, and wrinkles while revitalizing and hydrating the skin making it smoother and softer.
Clinical studies have shown that after twenty days of treatment collagen production increases by 14%, elastin increases by 48%, and blood circulation increases by 38%. Scientists have also found that microcurrent facelift treatments trigger the body’s production of amino acids and adenosine triphosphste (ATP) which accelerate cell repair and promote healthier cell production. This increased ATP also energizes the facial muscles, similar to how exercise energizes the muscles of our bodies. Unlike anywhere else on the body, the facial muscles are directly connected to the skin, so the result of energizing the muscle is often an improved, lifted appearance. When used on the face, the treatment has become known as a "non-surgical facelift".
High-Frequency Treatment
Complementary when needed with all Custom Facials

High-frequency treatment uses low-current high-frequency alternating currents, delivered via a glass electrode. Because the high frequency current converts some of the oxygen in the air into ozone, the treatment has a germicidal action, increasing skin metabolism, sanitizing and healing the skin while encouraging healthy cell function. Direct high frequency ozone provides benefits for those with blemish prone and acneic type skin by killing bacteria and eliminating excess oil. Excellent for spot treating acne lesions.
Microdermabrasion $150
Add to Custom Facial $125

Treatment that uses crystal free abrasion of real diamonds which combines physical exfoliation and slight suction to stimulate cell turnover to improve clarity and tone leaving skin soft and smooth! Non-invasive. Not for those with Rosacea or severe acne.

What is Rezenerate?
It is a treatment utilizing a proprietary Skin Conditioning handheld cosmetic tool The Rezenerate Wand with an array of pyramid-like nano-structures, each point on the array having a diameter less than 1/3 that of a single strand of human hair. It is manufactured from mono-crystalline silicon utilizing advanced semiconductor fabrication technology and it is this innovation that allows for the precise and pain free conditioning of the skin. Additionally, the pyramid structures engage the body’s natural restorative properties stimulating cell repair and regeneration of the skin.  

Rezenerate Treatment

$135/treatment *A series of four to six Rezenerate Treatments over a period of two to three months is recommended to achieve the maximum results and benefits.

Helps to improve tone, texture and balance, and restores a healthy, refreshed glow to your skin. The epidermal layer of the skin is rejuvenated and the conditioned skin retains a healthy plumpness, minimizing the look of fine lines and wrinkles by the end of even your initial treatment. You walk out feeling and looking amazing.Many of the invasive treatments found on the market today risk damage to the dermal layer with potential exposure to pain, infection and toxic side effects. The Rezenerate Treatment creates a unique solution to skin repair and rejuvenation by delivering nutrients efficiently into the stratum corneum without any pain or discomfort, and certainly no risk of infection.
What to Expect 
Days 0 to 2- an instant reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, the skin will be tighter, firmer and plumper and for the following 48 hours the skin will look radiant.
Days 3 to 5- the skin may feel extremely dry as the top most layer of stratum corneum experiences a gentle delayed micro peel, as a new layer of stratum corneum forms below.
Days 5 to 7- may experience a tighter, more evenly toned and textured layer of stratum corneum come to the surface. (Note: many longer term improvements develop over time especially after a series).

What is Radio frequency?

Radiofrequency, or RF, is the absolute latest technology in skin care. Radiofrequency involves a special electrode that emits radio waves into the skin. These radio waves are able to reach the Dermal layers of the skin. Within the Dermis is Collagen, our skin's "Youth Protein". Collagen is responsible for keeping our skin looking firm and youthful. Collagen naturally degrades as we age, as production of new collagen slows. The Radio Waves, when penetrated into the skin, actually cause the Collagen to heat up and instantly contract. This causes the skin to become instantly firmer and tighter (hence the "facelift effect"). Furthermore, the Radio Waves cause the Collagen cells to become more active and increase the rate of Collagen synthesis.

RF-Radio Frequency Thermal Treatment 
$135/Treatment Add to Custom Facial $125 

Instant stimulation helps the skin appear more lifted, toned and tightened. A non-invasive professional treatment that’s clinically proven to help smooth, tighten and contour skin for an overall younger looking appearance. RF Thermal treatment delivers natural looking results with no down time. It works on all skin colors, face, forehead, eyes and jaw lines all in a single procedure. RF Thermal is a hand-held system with a rotating heated head and a smooth flat tip, which provides a unique radio frequency (RF) technology.

What is FIR Healing Mat?

Semi-precious natural stones such as Jade, and Tourmaline add to the healing and recuperative powers of the FIR Healing Mat. Using century-old healing wisdom to refresh and rejuvenate your body as well as your spirit, this mat also provides FIR (Far-infrared) therapy, and negative IONS which helps with circulation and flexibility, while also relieving tension and stress by penetrating deep into muscles and tissue as well as helping reduce the build-up of free radicals in the body. The negative ions released can strengthen your immune system, improve digestion and help calm and relax the brain, providing for better overall health and well-being. Negative IONS are found in most natural outdoor settings, such as waterfalls, oceans, beaches, lakes and mountain areas, which is why we feel so invigorated when we visit these areas. FIR Healing Mat is the most convenient way to boost exposure to negative IONS. Jade stone comes with its own unique detoxifying qualities as it naturally releases far-infrared rays, which possess powerful healing properties as they penetrate deep within the body.  

FIR Healing Mat Treatment 
$35/addition to facial treatments

The FIR Healing Mat is the ideal addition to facial treatments, since it creates a soothing and warm environment that facilitates improved serenity and mental peace, increased blood flow which improves mental conditioning and supports delta-state, deep relaxation. This state helps refresh and rejuvenates your body as well as your spirit.  

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